• The Essential of Water

    Now you heard it say that you need to drink at least 7 cups of water a day. Well, this time, I am not going to input any research in this post. I am just going to talk to you from my own experience.

    We are mostly made out of water. If I was to speak in start trek language, I will refer to the human race as a 'mostly bag of water' race.

    YOU JUST NEED IT. When I don't drink enough water, I get headaches, irritated, tired, dizzy, agitated not to mention that my whole system is out of whack, by digestive system don't know what to with what is in there. The worse part is that,  it catches up with me at the end of the day. I get really thirsty and I cannot ignore it anymore, then I drink and drink and guess what! I am up most of the night going back and forth to the bathroom.

    So how much water should you drink? I say, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. When you are thirsty, drink.
    A good way to start is to take a 16oz bottle, fill it with water in the morning, carry it with you the whole day and drink it. You should be able to at least finish that bottle by mid day, at least.
    If you are not a water drinker, start small, try it, and see if it makes a difference in your day.

    Let me know what you think. How do you get your kids to drink water? What about you, how do you do it?


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